Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Elementals: Salamanders

What are Elementals? Elementals are spiritual beings that live in the different elements of earth which is where the name comes from. Each elemental is different in the way they affect the world Sylphs control the sky, Gnomes control the forest, undines control any natural body of water and salamanders control natural fires.

The elements are:
  • Earth which belongs to Gnomes which live mostly under tree roots and rocks.
  • Water which belongs to Undines (Water nymphs) which live in the water.
  • Air which belongs to Sylphs which live in the sky on top of mountains.
  • Fire which belongs to Salamanders which live in any body of fire.


Salamanders are the spirits of fire, the most powerful of the elementals and the only type of people it affects are the ones with a bad temper. Without salamanders we would not have fire and who knows how far in technology we would be in.
"Salamanders have been seen in the shape of fiery balls, or tongues of fire, running over the fields or peering in houses." Paracelsus-swiss Renaissance physician 

Sylphs are the spirits of air, The most beautiful of the elementals they live in the highest points of the earth like Mount Everest.  

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