Monday, April 11, 2011

Are dreams are the golden road to the unconscious mind

Dreams What are they really, some say "dreams are the golden road to the unconscious mind"now there are different ways to interrupt dreams, i keep a notebook and write down my dreams in and interrupt it
Here are some symbols:

murky water-bad emotions
clear water-positivity
baby boy-material matters
baby girl-personal life
aggressive dog-male with bad intentions
aggressive cat-female with bad intentions
dog-loyal friend who offers his/her help
cat-seduction, temptation
muse-financial problems
climbing up stairs-pursuit of dream
storm-sudden change
someone chasing you-guilt
hospital-resolution to a problem
dead male relative-issue from past not yet finished
dead female relative-an emotional scar from the past
mythical creature-look up creature and adopt its symbol
black spider-a fear of someone or something getting bigger or worse
There are ways to enhance and remember your dreams some are easy some are just fucking confusing.When i want to remember my dreams i meditate before i go to sleep and when i'm meditating i'm just clear my mind and relaxing myself  then i put my amethyst underneath my pillow and the reason why i do this is because the amethyst clears your mind so you can focus more in your dreams and remember some of it or all of it.

My amethyst looks similar to the upper rights side of it

My other one looks like the inside of this and is smoothed on the outside as well but not  circler 

I wish i had one one that looked like this 
I will be getting more into the many uses of crystals and there meaning 

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